This is a personal choice made by the consumer. We as a seller of live aquatic species promote the above statements and cannot control or assume any liablility for those that do not want to protect our environment. They may also spread disease and parasites, and damage natural habitats.

So don’t dump that fish incorrectly! Setting fish free may mean they die from starvation or disease, however, fish that do survive and breed will compete with local native species for food and space. If released, they are difficult to eliminate and pose a serious threat to fragile ecosystems and important industries. Japanese Trapdoor Snails are great scavengers and algae eaters. Consider keeping species native to your local area. Most fish, snails, and plants you keep will not typically be native to your local area. Design ponds so that plants, snails, fish or eggs can’t escape during heavy rains, and screen all overflow areas. Dump wastewater or excess unwanted plants into your garden, compost or trash. Donate unwanted fish to friends, other hobbyists, schools, your petshop, or dispose of them humanely by putting them to sleep in an ice slurry and then freezing them. Use care when cleaning tanks or ponds. Never dump fish, plants or snails into or near waterways, lakes, canals, washes, stormwater drains or the ocean. It is important to make sure living things in your aquarium or pond are kept away from our oceans and natural waterways. Their peaceful nature makes them a great addition to a variety of tank environments.

They are easy to care for, and many people even find these snails to be easy to breed if desired. Protect our Ecosystems & Know your Aquatic Animal Responsibilities The Japanese Trapdoor snail is a beautiful and unique snail that many people love for keeping plants and tank surfaces free of algae growth. POND SNAILS FOR SALE! DELIVERED RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR SINCE 1987! Freshwater Algae Squads – Fast results with freshwater algae squads.